Monday, November 27, 2006

Posts from a Monk

So, it's been awhile, and as Alissa predicted, I have continued to be a fickle lover to the Internets. For shame. In my defense, I can only say that I was spending time traveling, visiting good friends, and reuniting with my girlfriend, who I was forced to miss for the duration of my time away.

But let's not kid ourselves. This blog is not yet the widely-read center of the Internet's social and intellectual activity that we all know it deserves to be. So I won't feel too badly about it.

That said, here are two posts I wish I had written. I've wanted to comment on the recent situation with Ted Haggard and also in general on the term "Christian" as it's used in politics. Looks like the excellent beat me to it, and said pretty much exactly what I would've said on these subjects:

Jesus and Ted Haggard

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